Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Book: Common Law & Natural Rights

I haven't been posting much lately, and there's a reason. I've been busy writing a new book. And it's ready for the reading public. The title is Common Law & Natural Rights: The Question of Conservative Foundations, and it is an examination of natural rights as the foundation for conservatism, as opposed to the common law. It is the contention of the book that natural rights has served neither conservatism nor contemporary polities well. The reliance on natural rights and its daughter, the separation of powers, has led to overweening government, based on absolute democracy. The common law as a self-contained, independent bulwark of liberty is proposed as the alternative. For more information, follow this link.

Regarding the Stahl book on constitutional law, it is nearly finished. I hope to have it ready for publication within a month or two. Stay tuned.


pryorthoughts said...

I’ve skimmed the Introduction of Common Law and Natural Rights. and it looks very good.

Query: I’m speaking at a conference in November on the place of “religious theory” in legal scholarship. I’m going to address human rights in light of N. Wolterstorff’s book Justice. W. is what you might characterize as a “thick” natural rights guy, emphasizing the foundation of rights in our creation in the image of God. He does some good historical work on the development of rights in the Western tradition and some very good biblical exegesis/theologizing. But it’s still NR, IMHO.

What would you say to the question of whether there can be any global scheme of rights without a shared global history of Roman law/Christian religion influence? There must be something (I believe) fundamental about the human condition (as revealed in the Bible) that warrants some sort of a universalizeable assertion of human rights. But I may be wrong. Let me know your thoughts

Ricardo Beas said...


I wrote a song titled The Common Law, where I try to explain the common law in easy terms. I invite you to listen. Lt me know what you think.

Best wishes.

Ricardo Beas

Bert Rebergen said...

Zeer geachte Heer Alvarado,

Even los van deze publicatie op uw website zou ik willen reageren op een artikel over u dat ik las op de website van het Reformatorisch Dagblad. Na wat speurwerk op internet kwam ik op uw site terecht. U sluit in dit artikel af met de opmerking dat het goed zou zijn als de werken van Van Ruler zouden worden vertaald in de taal van een land dat zijn woorden wel serieus neemt. Daar sluit ik mij graag bij aan. Ik kan u wel melden dat in Japan werken van Van Ruler worden vertaald omdat diens theologie zich erg goed leent voor evangelisatie onder bijvoorbeeld Hindoes. Een Japans predikant vertelde me dat ooit. En dan te weten dat de uitgaven van De Werken van Van Ruler in Nederland al op losse schroeven staat vanwege geldgebrek...

Succes met uw mooie werk en hartelijke groeten,

Bert Rebergen